Category: News

Statistics, Spatiotemporal and timelapse information

Statistics Program – V7 The distribution of peatland in Europe

The distribution of peatland in Europe is strongly imbalanced, with much more peatland occurring in the north than in the south. The overall area of peatland in Europe is estimated at 593.727 km2 (5,4% of the total surface area). Mires cover more than 320.000 km2 (about 54% of the peatland area). If shallow-peat lands (<…
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Statistics Program – V6 Sequestration Intensity of Blue Carbon

Taking advantage of blue carbon (BC) has been one strategy to mitigate and adapt to global climate change through carbon capture and storage (CCS) in both living and non-living biomass. The ocean has a vast capacity for carbon sequestration, comprising nearly half of the total global CCS. The current BC definition is limiting effective carbon…
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Data Stat Center: Statistics, Spatiotemporal and Timelapse Information

Perubahan permukaan bumi terutama di Indonesia semakin terlihat dan tentu membawa dampak yang begitu luas. Efek demografi yang di ikuti dengan pembangunan besar-besar di seluruh daerah di Indonesia tentu melahirkan dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan. Pembangunan berkelanjutan sangat diperlukan dengan mengawasi seluruh aktivitas pembangunan sehingga dapat menimalisir kerusakan lingkungan. Pada Desember 2022, organisasi riset mahasiswa IPB…
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Statistics Program – V5 Deforestration on Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) in North Maluku

Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) is designed to be an integrated industrial complex focusing on mining, refining, and processing nickel and cobalt ores. The industrial park is expected to have a total investment of approximately USD 11 billion and cover an area of around 5,000 hectares. The project is expected to include nickel smelters,…
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Statistics Program – V4 Limboto Lake in Gorontalo

Limboto Lake is the biggest lake in Gorontalo Regency, and now it is categorized as a critical lake. It is caused by extensive reduction and creates erosion. The observations showed that the widest water cover in Limboto Lake was in 2000, the area reached 2653.36 ha. But the latest year showed that it decreased to…
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Statistics Program – V3 Mangroves Growth on Patimbang, Subang Regency

Mangroves are vital ecosystems in the provision of ecosystem services and are also of direct benefit to the lives of coastal communities. Mangrove forests have a fast growth rate and were successfully detected through spatial monitoring during 2017-2022. The results of the study revealed that there was an increase in the area of ​​mangrove forests…
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Statistics Program – V2 Rawa Pening Lake in Central Java

Rawa Pening is a natural lake located in Central Java Province. In Rawa Pening there is water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) which grows wild and thrives very high. Over time the growth of water hyacinth has fluctuated, even in the last two years it has decreased, in 2021-2022 there are around 226.79 ha. The criticality of…
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Statistics Program – V1 Makassar Sea Reclamation in South Sulawesi

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government has a land reclamation project and this plan is contained in the Makassar RT/RTW Handover Regulation No. 4 of 2015. The sea reclamation was built to provide land for urban development with a reclamation target area of ​​4,000 ha which is planned to be built in coastal areas and Small…
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